For those of you who don't get HBO, Big Love is a show about a polygamous family living in Utah. Ever since my Journalism and Religion class in grad school I've been slightly fascinated with how different faiths are covered in the media. Big Love is satiating my fascination.
Another reason I wanted to check the show out is its cast of characters:
Jeanne Tripplehorn: She plays the first wife, Barb. I just love her for some reason. I think it's her face. She's so uniquely beautiful. If I ever met her in public I know I would stare at her until it was uncomfortable for both of us.
Chloe Sevigny: She is such an odd looking woman but she is a talented actress. She plays her vindictive character, Nicki, so well.
Ginnifer Goodwin: Plays the newest wife, Margene. I've loved Ginnifer for years! She was great in Walk the Line and Mona Lisa Smile. I have yet to see He's Just Not That Into You but it's on my list.
Bill Paxton: I had no idea he had such a nice butt!
I have only seen the pilot and the first episode but I must admit I'm hooked. And it's not because of all the sex....goodness do they have a lot of sex! With three wives you'd better believe they use sex with their husband as power over each other.
One thing I don't understand is how the hell Bill Henrickson (Paxton) can afford to have three gorgeous homes in a lovely suburb. Sure he owns his own business but THREE HOUSES! Not to mention three wives and 7 kids.
I also don't understand how the family hasn't been snuffed out as polygamists yet. Sure, the only one who looks remotely Fundamental is Nicki, but don't people wonder who these other two wives are? I find it hard to believe with two high school students that neighbors, friends, teachers, etc. don't have a clue what's going on.
In any case, the next DVD is on it's way and I am awaiting it's arrival impatiently. I've been titillated and I need more!
polygamy is an unexplored topic for cable series, for sure. I can't believe I've never heard of this show! I'll have to keep an eye out for it too
We're watching the new season now-season 4 I think-and buckle your seat belt, because it just gets better! I too love Barb-wait until you get to know Nikki's family-(!)
I've never gotten HBO and they seem to have some interesting shows on. I was never a big Sopranos fan, and when I think HBO I think Sopranos. Thank goodness these great shows are on DVD for us non-cable folks!
the first season has a lot more sex that the first. and that's unfortunate, b/c they do it well...
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