The main reason I don't watch TV is because I don't want to get sucked into watching a program at the same time each week. The anxiety alone would put me over the edge. Plus, I don't want to feel like I have to stay in to watch Lost or Grey's Anatomy instead of doing other things -- like going to the gym, having dinner with my sister, or grabbing a drink with a friend. Plus cable is expensive.
Today I read with glee this article in the New York Times.
Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers — but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.I think I'm a pretty happy person. And I love having my lifestyle validated by the New York Times.
I feel validated too! When I was little I absolutely hated how my parents limited TV, when all my friends talked about Nickelodeon at school. Now I'm thankful. And my TV only gets one channel (but I do watch lots of movies).
don't judge me for loving thursday nights!
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