I love to read
Miss Conduct's column each week in the Boston Globe Magazine. Today I came upon this horrific question posed by a reader:
Soon after my wedding, I discovered my husband stole my paychecks, had sex with drug dealers, brought disease and crime into our house, and lied about everything. The situation began to feel abusive. I tried to help him, but after a while he couldn't live unsupervised anymore, and he finally went into psychiatric care. My high school reunion is coming up and I believe my wedding photos are circulating. Do you have a good line I can use to turn the subject away from my marital status?
B.P. in Boston
What the hell? Talk about bad timing! I think this woman's high school reunion is the least of her worries. I'd be getting myself HIV and STD tested STAT!
I love Miss COnduct. This is a particularly sordid letter for her. How did the woman not know her husband had a drug problem? I can't imagine not knowing that about the person I was going to marry. I know what time of the day my husband usually poops, for crying out loud.
when life gives you lemons.... lie through your teeth. or just don't go to your darn reunion. oh, and maybe drop the hubby. how does this woman sleep at night? i mean, the pressure of having to live up to her high school classmates expectations must be so overwhelming! not to mention the burning of the herpes...
I love that her husband ended up in Psychiatric Care and not jail, speaks loudly about America doesn't it?
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