I loved reading
this piece in
The New York Times today about why this woman hates her iPhone.
At 4 in the morning, I was in bed, fighting rage. I couldn’t stop thinking about that device’s tarty little face and those yapping “apps” you can download for it. The whole iPhone enterprise seemed to require so much attention, organization, explanation, praise, electricity. I know — I know: in the morning, Apple’s latest miracle machine would fill my palm with meaning and magic. So why couldn’t I contain my annoyance? I had no new-thing excitement. It dawned on me: I hated my iPhone.
I do not like the iPhone for many reasons.
1. I can't afford it or the phone plan.
2. I live in Maine where you have to be choosy about your carrier if you want to actually use your phone.
3. The fact that you can read
The New York Times on it is cool if you have magnifying lenses attached to your eyeballs.
4. It looks like it's going to break easily.
5. With the way Apple works, a new one will come out every 6-months to a year. I can't keep up with technology.
I had my first cell phone for 4 years. It was a Samsung and my carrier was Sprint. The only reason I got a new one was because after dropping it a dozen times it was breaking. Other than that it worked fine.
Of course it didn't take photos, send text messages, or allow me to send emails. That was ok with me. I carry a small digital camera with me at all times anyway that has video capturing capabilities.
The more your cell phone can do for you the more you will rely on it. I have a friend who texts me constantly asking me silly questions. His phone is his crutch. He no longer has to make decisions for himself -- he can just text or twitter all his friends and they'll tell him what to buy, see, do. His phone is turning him into a robot.
I am on the computer all day long. Literally. The last thing I want to do is watch a video on my tiny little phone. Or read a book on it. Or play a game on it. IT'S TOO SMALL! My eyesight is deteriorating at it's own pace, thank you very much.
I have the most simplest cell phone out there. It still takes photos, but I don't use that feature. And I don't connect to the internet on it because it costs too much money. I am a creature who can sit still and observe and listen to what's around her. I don't need to be constantly entertained by an iPhone.
Photo by Kevin Van Aeist, NYT