Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Mimi Saw: Oregon Trail

Any of you people out there who were in elementary school in the 80s knows about the computer game Oregon Trail. When I was in elementary school my mother used to borrow the floppy discs from our school for the summer. My sister and I spent countless hours creating families to travel the trail. I loved everything about that game...making up names for my family, shooting buffalo, and buying supplies. We didn't have cable or video games. Heck, we even RENTED a VCR from the grocery store on the weekends. Oregon Trail was the epitome of fun.

If you loved playing Oregon Trail as much as I did then you'll surely like this skit I found on YouTube. Oh were so much fun.

1 comment:

j said...

damn that typhoid!

if by 'found' you mean borrowed from scribbit... :)