"It gives you the sex, the drugs, the rock 'n' roll, but it also gives you the diabetes. It gives you every aspect of my life and what I'm going through. I think it's pretty frank. It's honest. It's at times self-deprecating. It's about what happens when you try to live out your dream and the reality of it all sets in and it's the hardest and the strangest thing you will ever do. I think when you read it you'll really get the understanding of what it's all about." -- from ReutersInstead of "Roses and Thorns" perhaps the book should be called "Roses and Thorns and Diabetes."
My sister and I like to watch his reality show, Rock of Love, at the gym. It's got everything! Fights, fake boobs, strippers, and tears! Drama at it's best.
"I'm having a blast," Michaels says. "I think if you see the show, it's as real as can be. I'm not trying to play this holier-than-thou rock star. I'm just trying to play, and (am) having a good time dating. And it's allowed me to have that much TV exposure, which definitely hasn't hurt. I'm certainly not complaining."And why would he complain? It's not even real dating. He's got 25 plastic-looking rocker chicks who want to sleep with him. After three seasons he hasn't found love yet. I hope all the action isn't interfering with his diabetes treatment.
1 comment:
Rock of Love Bus is the best show on TV.
And so, his book gives people diabetes and sex? That will definitely be a best seller.
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