My friend Annie sent me this story today from the United Kingdom's
The Sun. It's the grossest thing I've read in a while and therefore, ripe to share!
Huang Yijun, a 92-year-old woman from Huangjiaotan, China, went into a hospital looking for a cure for her stomach aches. Doctors found that the cause of her pain wasn’t her stomach, but her womb.
In 1948, Huang discovered that her unborn child had died. Unable to afford the medical fees, Huang decided not to remove the fetus: "It was a huge sum at the time - more than the whole family earned in several years so I did nothing and ignored it." 60 years later, doctors are amazed at how little the body has decayed, and how well Huang has fared.
The thought of keeping a decaying fetus in my womb for 60 years makes me dry heave. I honestly can't believe this woman is still alive.
I know people sacrifice many things when they live in poverty, but this to me is extreme.
i think i saw this on the discovery channel... or something like it. the fetus doesn't really decay, instead, the body encases it in this calcium-like shell. wanna talk gross... it's like a baby inside a boney egg.
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