Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oldest and Whitest

According to the most recent census data, Maine is the whitest and oldest state in the nation. This should surprise no one. I wonder if we get a blue ribbon or a medal or something. We could prominently display it in Augusta! We could use this in a new marketing campaign: More than Potatoes, Lighthouses, and Lobsters! We've got OLD WHITE PEOPLE! I don't know why all those Dixie southerners who hate minorities so much just don't get up off their keisters and move north. It would be PARADISE for them!

Maine doesn't have much in the way of other stuff. We don't have any professional sports teams (unless you could UMaine Hockey professional...), we're not known for our shopping (unless you heart L.L. Bean), and it's cold more than half the year. If we have to be the oldest and whitest state in the nation I say we embrace it!

Other stats:

Youngest state in the nation: Utah with a media age of 28.7.
State with the most people over 65 years of age: Florida -- duh.
State with the most women: Washington D.C. at 52.7%
State with the most men: Alaska at 52.1%

Check out the story in the Bangor Daily News here.


Wade said...

I knew we were the whitest, but oldest? Damn. That's not good.

Kristina P. said...

Not too shabby! Old AND white!