Monday, August 10, 2009

What Mimi Heard: Wind Turbines

Ok, so I didn't really hear wind turbines in person...but I did listen to my friend Anne Ravana's radio story on MPBN about a family in Mars Hill who is being affected greatly by the wind turbines built in their backyard.

You can read the story here, or listen to the link. I suggest listening to it because the main interviewee, Wendy Todd, gets quite emotional. You can't help but feel for her.

I think wind power is a great idea. So did Wendy Todd before she lived near them. I never thought about the flickering of light from the turbine or the noise that accompanies it. I believe her when she says it gets under her skin and drives her crazy. And the fact that it has lowered her property values so much that she doesn't think she could sell her house is stressful. Take a listen and see what you think...


Samantha Warren Weddings said...

This story surprises me. We spent some time skiing up at Mar's Hill this winter and were impressed with how quiet the turbines were. Granted, we were there for just a few hours, but they seemed majestic and we had to really listen for them, as the wind that moves them seems to muffle the sound. As wind becomes a more viable option in Maine, this is an issue we'll all need to learn more about.

Mimi said...

i think offshore wind turbines...where they aren't in anyones where it's at...