How did they apprehend these individuals? The morons -- nine all together -- broke into the building, threw Molotov cocktails, and made a video of the whole thing with music and the names of the people involved, AND POSTED IT ON YOUTUBE!
They threw the bottles against the inside walls of an empty swimming pool, smashing the bottles, causing an explosion and sending flames 20 feet in the air, Massey said.WHY ARE TEENAGERS SO STUPID!? They added a list of credits? Why on earth would you do that? You'd think with all this new innovative technology that the youth of our country would be getting smarter -- but in fact they are getting dumber and dumber by the year. I'm afraid to have children...
They videotaped the incident, set it to heavy metal music, added a list of credits, naming those involved, and put it on YouTube, Massey said.
The parent of one of the suspects saw the video, got alarmed and took her son to the police station to report the incident, Massey said. - from the Portland Press Herald
I like to think we are only hearing about the dumb ones and that the majority are great. :^) But yeah in general, posting stuff on the internet is not the key to anonymity. I think some adults could use this lesson too.
I work with teenagers daily, and I ask myself that question all the time.
hahahahahaha. Those kids have a LOT of life lessons to learn. God love 'em.
i saw this on the news the other day, and to be honest, it made me chuckle. it's awful that the damage was done to the building, but the fact that these guys rolled credits was too much for me to hold a straight face. and can i just say 'bravo' to the parent who brought their kid in? i've heard too many stories of parents protecting their idiot kids. so good for them!
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