Jezebel.com poses the question that should be burning on everyone's mind -- if the results aren't what the parents were hoping for -- will they get a sex-selected abortion? Jezebel included some of the testimonials from the product maker, IntelliGender. They seem to toe the line...
"I tested with your product in early March 2009. The test came back with results that we were having a girl. I just had a 3d ultrasound and its confirmed that we are having a girl!! We are so excited after 3 boys we got our princess on her way! Your product is great and truly works! Thank you Intelligender!"Hooray! After giving birth THREE TIMES you finally got what you wanted!
I wanted to let you guys know, I'm 16wks and I took your test last wed. morning 3/4/09, the test clearly said I'm having a boy. I already have three boys so I was wondering if this time around it might be a girl. So I decided to go get an ultrasound done on sat. 3/7/09, sure enough I am having a boy! Thank you and I am so excited about my little guy!!Riiiiiight. I'm SO SURE you're so excited. Those TWO exclamation marks don't fool me.
This is weird.
omg- this is why i never wanted to know the sex of my baby when i was pregnant.
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