My sister gets
Ready Made Magazine -- a DIY, green, recycling-is-good mag that is an interesting read. It has a lot of instructions on how to make/go things like make a waterproof couch for your deck, solar lamps, side tables out of mailing tubes, etc. I like to look through to see what crazy things they have re purposed into something else.

So I'm flipping through the magazine in bed last night when I come to a stiff insert for Natural American Cigarettes. Huh? A green, recycling-is-good magazine has a huge advertisement -- with COUPONS to boot -- for cigarettes? Odd.

Oh -- but these are NATURAL cigarettes made with 100% ORGANIC tobacco and *ADDITIVE-FREE tobacco (if that even really exists). Does that make it ok? I can't tell you the last time I saw a cigarette ad...on TV, in a magazine, wherever. I'm not gonna lie -- I was a little offended that
Ready Made would allow such an advertisement. Does their target audience of hipsters smoke? Do they really need the advertising dollars? I don't know...but I didn't like it.
*note: HA! I had originally posed this as ADDICTIVE-FREE, which is how my brain decided to read the ad. A comment by Jody set me straight...addictive-free was a bit of a stretch :)
I think it actually says "additive-free" meaning they don't put any additives in with the tobacco. There is no proof that additive free tobacco is any less harmfull than the junk they put in other cigarettes to alter the taste. I think that's one of their statements. American Spirits have always had an interesting aesthetic appeal to me because of the retro-ish design and bright packaging. Course, they're still cancer sticks.
I don't know how I ended up on this blog, But several posts were laugh out loud funny. So I had to stop and say good job. Greg (also known as the blogger SippitySup)
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