Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did you know about HARO?

I didn't until I read a post about it on The Renegade Writer blog.

HARO = Help A Reporter Out. It's a place for journalists to look for sources. Peter Shankman, CEO, entrepreneur, go-to for sources (apparently) started HARO on Facebook after his journalist friends kept asking him for sources for their stories. Journalists just have to fill out a nifty form and it gets sent out to a whole bunch of "experts" at the click of a button. All you have to do is wait for the responses to roll in -- and if The Renegade Writer is to be believed, she gets more responses than she can handle. The best part? It's FREE!

Maybe not the mode of choice for writing on deadline, but definitely something to check out. Anyone else out there use it?

1 comment:

Samantha Warren Weddings said...

I've been a subscriber since the winter and I love it! It's a ton of emails a day (three or maybe four) but definitely worth it from the perspective of both PR people and journalists (and those who try to be both;)