Friday, February 27, 2009

One long week...

I don't know about you but this has been a long week for me! We're getting the magazine ready to go to print on Tuesday (you have no idea how much work is involved in this), I taught class on Tuesday and Thursday, celebrated Grandma's birthday by going to Pizza Hut with the family (we let her choose...I swear), and got a quote on my bunged up car ($3,700...thankfully it wasn't my fault.)

So today I'm losing it a little bit. My friend Myers, who is always looking out for me, sent me this video on techniques I can use to fend off an attacker. I'm very thankful for his thoughtfulness. It was such a good video I knew I had to share it with all my lady readers...

1 comment:

Summer Nicklasson said...

OMG, I finally watched this clip and I was laughing my butt off! Thanks for posting it!